A new approach to help the local Creative, Tech & Marketing industries in Wales
Jacobs jobs is the home for local talent & opportunities. They put an emphasis on global standards, at a local level. This is actually an in-house project that we've been working on for a while to help the community in Wales thrive.

What we did
Having come up with the idea of a central community where users could find jobs, talent and communicate with other professionals in their field, we got working on a site that did all of this in a modern and refreshing way. We incorporated all of the things we would want to see if we were looking for a job, or looking for a freelancer, so that the site would work across a wider user base.

The final product (though always a work in progress) is a site that incorporates a bunch of different intergrations; Memberstack, Zapier, Airtable, Relume Library, Finsweet Filtering, and a few others that all combine to create a platform we're excited to be launching to the public, and creating a community in Wales.